This isn't pertaining to your news post, but I want to know if I might be able to help out with that hl2 mod. I know it has been a few months (I saw it in the main menu music's description). If you are still interested, I would like to try to help out, just PM me back knowing what you're locking for (or to tell me that your over that now). I've been mapping for a while, and I have some decent understanding with working with mods.
This isn't pertaining to your news post, but I want to know if I might be able to help out with that hl2 mod. I know it has been a few months (I saw it in the main menu music's description). If you are still interested, I would like to try to help out, just PM me back knowing what you're locking for (or to tell me that your over that now). I've been mapping for a while, and I have some decent understanding with working with mods.